Strategies to simplify and empower mealtime.
I’m sure we all share this experience: It’s been a long day. You’ve either spent it in the air, in a high energy conference, meeting with teams on-site, speaking to large groups, or working through a heavy agenda in the boardroom. Most days, more than one of these activities occurs. There are decisions to be made and in-depth conversations to be had. You are maxed out from optimizing every articulation and interaction. And then you get home or to a restaurant or to a deli, and all of a sudden your mind fails you on what to eat for dinner.
After this happened one too many times for my liking, I realized that I had to change my approach to how and when I was getting fuel throughout the day. While needs may differ for everyone with regards to nutritional requirements and such, I have some strategies in my arsenal to meal-planning effectively whether at home or on-the-road.
Top 5 Favorite Meal Planning Strategies:
- Assess nutritional needs at the beginning of the week. Food is medicine and self-care. This is your opportunity to give yourself what you need to succeed at the foundational level. Play a proactive role in making sure you have the items and ingredients in your refrigerator and pantry that can be readily available for quick and delicious meals.
- Factor in schedule and anticipate fueling obstacles. Know what’s going on in your schedule — if you’re traveling or dining out, check menus in advance. If you’re going to be on a plane, anticipate how and when you can access nutrition. Don’t depend on in-flight meals!
- Build meals around carbs, protein, and fat. These building blocks function as components in better energy and long-lasting satiation. Figure out what your basics are and keep them stocked and available. Great plant-based sources for protein include lentils, beans, hemp hearts, chia seeds, edamame, green peas, quinoa, natural peanut butter, and almonds.
- Add four to six servings of vegetables each day. Vegetables contain very little to no natural sugar and offer up essential vitamins and minerals as well as exceptional flavor.
- The blender = best friend in a pinch. Spinach and kale shakes are one of my favorite speedy fuel-up hacks. Using plant-based milk and throwing in vegetables, berries, honey and chia seeds, is a great method for fast meals. It’s also fail-proof!
By employing these easy and adaptable methods, I have experienced far greater success with meal planning and energy reserves for a demanding schedule. It’s not impossible, and there are a lot of resources out there that can help you plan your way to success.