Learning AI in Two Months

AI and machine learning have become so pervasive that is simply how we do business now. AI has trickled into everything from our home automation and IoT to the way that new technology is being developed across B2C and B2B spaces. In this article by the self-described developer, product guy, and entrepreneur, Shival Gupta discusses his journey of learning AI concepts in two months.

  • Gupta first started through “familiarization” and becoming acquainted with terms used; he practiced this step via a simple neural net module and by inputting dummy data to familiarize with inputs and outputs.

Gupta describes this first hands-on experiment as a defining moment in his understanding of machine learning, and what he would later discover is the “gradient descent” method: “You give a computer program a set of data and it adjusts its internal parameters in such a way that it gains the ability to answer questions on new data with a decreasing error from what it observed from original data.”

  • Gupta’s next step was to explore varying resources and models to grasp key concepts used throughout machine learning development. His tests included supervised learning problems, multivariate linear regression, and deep learning tutorials, as well as absorbing reference materials produced by Google Machine Learning cloud, AI Playbook by Andreessen-Horowitz, Siraj Rawal’s YouTuBe channel, and Andrej Karpathy’s blog.
  • Gupta used his reading and testing phase to fuel the next step to create a chatbot using Tensorflow. His article for Hackernoon went viral, and more importantly, was a great introduction to other people that are exploring and developing in the world of AI.
  • Gupta sums up his two month-experience of AI immersion, discussing the learning curve as differing greatly from learning a web framework. “It is a skill that requires awareness of what is going on at the microscopic level of calculations and finds what is more responsible for your output — your code or your data.”

I read the article mentioned above (https://hackernoon.com/how-i-started-with-learning-ai-in-the-last-2-months-251d19b23597) and thought it was interesting. While I am not offering an endorsement of a strategy, tactics, thoughts, service nor a company or author, the information was intellectually stimulating and thoughtful and worth a review.