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One commentator offered this sage comment in summary of Olympian hopes and dreams: “In the Olympics, if you get it wrong you have to wait a long time to get it right.”

The same is true of our sacred system of government. Historically, once nations turned to authoritarianism, whether on the left or the right, it took many decades, if not centuries, to right the ship and return control of the government back to the people. Most often those initially democratic nations were never able to get back on track, electing emperors, conquerors, dictators or despots to represent them forevermore.

America is currently giving up on people’s government in politics and law by fashioning special privileges and immunities for our self-proclaimed God-blessed partisan leaders. We are also giving up on social and economic equality, as our corporations settle into unchallenged monopolies in restraint of trade and our billionaire class moves to enact special citizenship privileges for the wealthy and powerful.

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